Our WordPress / WooCommerce Services
We have updated our WordPress and WooCommerce services. Take advantage of our experience to optimize your website and/or online store.
Consult our services
Domain Name Registration
You can now register the following domain names for a maximum of 5 years: .COM, .CA, .ORG,.NET and .INFO.
Registrer a new domain name
Important Vulnerability Found Within The Log4J Java Library
Last week an important vulnerability was found within the Java Library called Log4J.
Our team acted quickly and made the necessary fixes to patch it and maintain our servers protected.
Web Development Services
This week, we’ve increased our WordPress and WooCommerce Web Development service. Consult our services.
New Website! Improving our Products & Services
We are happy to unveil our brand new website in order to improve et add new products and services for our customers. Easy and faster services, innovating products and all of this within a more techno-ecological environment.
New PIN Code for Support Requests
Starting now and moving forward, you will now have to provide your security PIN when requesting immediate technical support via our chat.
Be Careful! This PIN will automatically change every 8 days.
You can find this code in the top right corner of your customer account.
Cloud-based Servers on Sale!
Are you representing a business or self-employed? We have cloud based servers ready to host your website!
WooCommerce Reveals Security Breach
PHP 8.0 Is Now Available
On November 26th 2020, PHP 8.0.0 was finally released to the masses.
It is now available in your cPanel.
.CA Domaine Names On Sale For A Limited Time!
This week we launched a new promotion where your .CA domain name is only 9,90 $ when opting for a VIA@ILLIMITO package.